The Clothesline Project

The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to the violence against victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Each shirt is decorated to represent a particular victim's experience, by the survivor or by someone who cares about the victim. The concept: Let victims tell their own stories, in their own unique ways, and hang it out for all to see. It is a way of airing society's dirty laundry.
The purpose of this project is fourfold:
- To bear witness to the survivors and victims of domestic violence & sexual assault.
- To help with the healing process for people who have lost a loved one or are survivors of this violence.
- To educate, document, and raise society's awareness of the extent of the problem of domestic violence & sexual assault.
- To provide a nationwide network for other communities starting their own Clothesline Projects.
What the colors represent:
- White - for those who have died of violence
- Yellow or Beige - for those who have been battered or assaulted
- Red, Pink or Orange - for those who have been raped or sexually assaulted
- Blue or Green - for survivors of incest or child sexual abuse
- Purple or Lavender - for those attacked because of their sexual orientation
- Pillow Cases - also for survivors of child sexual assault
* Other colors of personal meaning to the decorator may be used
Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 07:07 |