First Step Family Violence Intervention Services, Inc.
A United Way Agency of Coshocton County, Ohio
Mission Statement
To promote safety to victims of violence through education, counseling, advocacy and shelter when needed to any person suffering the effects of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. To promote non-violent behavior by educating the perpetrators of violence.
First Step Family Violence Intervention Services, Inc., was established in September 1992 with a weekly support group for victims of Domestic Violence. In February 1993, the Muskingum Area Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services funded the program through the Coshocton County Drug and Alcohol Council. To meet the emerging needs of the community, services expanded in September, 1994 through a much needed and requested weekly support group for children victimized by family violence between the ages of 6-12 years. In November 1994, a nine member board was selected as the Board of Control. First Step, F.V.I.S., Inc. was incorporated on April 1, 1995. The ultimate goal was accomplished on December 16, 1996 with the opening of the Coshocton County Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault (Hope House). After opening the shelter, we were very thankful to the Friends of the Animal Shelter for making possible the availability of a small pet shelter for animals belonging to the families of those we serve.
Since 1995, First Step, F.V.I.S., Inc. has served victims; children, elderly, developmentally disabled, teens, and currently provides and will provide the following services to meet the needs of the residents in Coshocton County and surrounding communities:
Victim Programs
- Shelter for victims and children of Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault
- Shelter for pets
- 24-Hour on-call services
- Support group for victims of Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault
- Individual services or sessions
- Court Advocacy
- 24-Hour Helpline
Community Education
- Community Presentations/Trainings
- Self-Defense Programs
- Prevention Education (Grades K-12)
Perpetrator Programs
- Male Perpetrator Education Group
- Women Who Resort to Violence
- Adult Domestic Violence Diversionary Program
SafeZone Trained 